How does your GR live your Fourth Day? One of the best ways to stay connected with the Cursillo Movement is for GRs to get involved in group activities. Hold a fundraiser, service the needy, say the Rosary together or any number of activities. Below are some ideas but use you imagination.
Support current candidates with Palanca from your GR.
Many GRs will get involved in supporting various community events. It can range from anything making food for an event to volunteering to donating money. A good example of this is the yearly clothing drive started by a GR from Men's Cursill #161. Other GRs make baked good and provide candy for Santa to hand out at the event.
A little goes a long way with a inmate. Some inmates have very few, if any, visitors and very little contact with the outside world. Receiving an anonymous, unprompted card or letter can make a huge difference in the attitude and rehabilitation efforts of an inmate.
Your GR can write a number of cards for any occassion or no occasion at all. Simply start the card with "Dear Brother in Christ" and sign it with your first name only. Send a positive message.
If your GR doesn't fulfill you there are a couple of things you can do about it. Talk to your GR mates, if it isn't working for you chances are it may not be working for one or more of them as well. Make some adjustments and make it work for everyone.
Alternatively, or if your GR is no longer meeting, find a new GR. There are GRs made up of Cursillistas from many different Cursillos. It is important to have a trusted group of Cursillistas to work with. Don't be afraid, live and love your 4th day!