Deacon Tom is a Deacon assistant at All Saints in Waterford, and is the Director of Deacons for the Diocese of Erie. He is the first deacon assigned as Spiritual Director of the Erie Diocese Cursillo Movement.
His favorite Gospel quote comes from John: 15:16; “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you…”
He married his best friend and love of his life, Pam, in June of 1977. Tom and Pam have three sons, three wonderful daughter-in-law’s, three granddaughters, two grandsons, and a teacup beagle named Hershey to keep them on their toes.
Tom is blessed to share his diaconal journey with Pam. Bishop Persico was quick to remind him that even with the increase in his responsibilities, his marriage will always be his first vocation and he knows Pam will be with Tom to keep him in line.
After his Cursillo in September of 1996 in Warren, he worked a number Cursillos as professor, auxiliary, troubadour, assistant rector, and rector. Tom and Pam have worked over sixty Metanoia weekends in three different state correctional institutions. They were the 2002 president couple of Cursillo.
Tom was ordained as a permanent Deacon for the Erie Diocese on May 29, 2015 following his retirement from thirty-four years of teaching elementary school in the Fort LeBoeuf School District.
The words Bishop Persico shared in his letter of appointment were inspiring. He said; “I am grateful for your willingness to accept this significant position. You recently shared with me the great impact of Cursillo in your own life of discipleship and how it helped you recognize your call to the permanent diaconate. It is my hope the movement will continue to bring men and women to Christ so that they can find their place in the community of faith.”
Tom regularly reflects on these words of St. Paul to the Philippians.
Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but [also] everyone for those of others. Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus.
He looks forward to journeying together and asks everyone for continued prayers to aid him in this awesome responsibility.