This ministry encompasses a wide range of programs and activities for the spiritual development of those who are incarcerated at various state and county correctional facilities in our diocese. The purpose of this ministry is simple: to make a friend, be a friend and bring our friend to Christ. Programs and activities vary depending on the institution; but typically include weekly Mass, R.C.I.A., Bible study and Rosary. Metanoia, the prison version of Cursillo, is presented at three state facilities annually. There is always a need for volunteers in prison ministry, people who a willing to serve ‘the least of these’; please pray about offering your gift to those in need.
For more information contact Arco and Janet Wasserman: [email protected]
A change of heart
Metanoia is a prison ministry patterned after Cursillo.
It is designed to bring inmates a change of heart while providing prison inmates a short course in Christianity.Inmates often experience forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
Palanca is needed for the Metanoia weekends. Palanca is limited to neck palanca and letters. Letters must be unsealed and signed with first names only.
If you would like to participate on a team, attend a closing or provide special entertainment at closing please contact Tom or Pam Mcaraw at 814-450-0684 or [email protected] or [email protected]
The slogan of Kairos: Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives, Impacting the World is the
essence of what Kairos does.
During the initial Kairos weekend, Kairos volunteers serve as God’s instrument through which His love, grace and mercy are expressed to the participants/guests in a real and profound way. God begins changing hearts.
Following their weekend experience, participants/guests are encouraged to take responsibility for their life choices and their relations with God; they are invited to engage in small accountability groups. Kairos volunteers continue to return monthly to provide mentoring and guidance through these accountability groups. It is here that Kairos participants/guests begin to replace old ways of thinking with new and they learn they are not alone on this journey. They realize there is a hope for a future. The prison environment begins to change; family relationships start to heal…..God is transforming lives.
As the Kairos community inside a prison grows and begins to gain influence, the incidences of violence decreases. Incarcerated participants who are released re-enter the outside world with a God centered, perspective and focus on becoming productive citizens. Female family members find support, strength and encouragement. Youthful offenders acquire new God centered values and change their direction in life. Families are reunited with a hope for the future.